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training menu

Here at nest we're all about relationships. Nest training is dynamic, experiential, accessible and punctuated with safety. We offer training for foster carers, special guardians, social workers, social care staff, schools and organisations working with people around relationships. For more info on the trainings we offer, please take a look at our menu and don’t forget to check out our testimonials.


attachment series

In this 3-part series, we show that ‘attachment’ is more than just another buzzword. From early life to adulthood, we tell the story of attachment and focus on how we apply an attachment lens in our understanding of the people around us.


trauma series

In this 4-part series we journey into the world of trauma. We move participants in and out of a dialogue about trauma, how it appears and how we react to it in our working lives. Then we focus on ways to map and capture key trauma messages in our practice.
The series ends with participants being helped to feel safe and strong in the face of the IMPACT of trauma.


relationships series

In this 2-part series we jump headfirst into relationships, where the real work takes place.
We look at what happens when relationships go wrong and how to get back to connection.


impact series

Our flagship 2-part experiential series, looks at the real impact of the work we do. Together, we find what we need to enable us to stay authentic, connected and safe in our work relationships.


systems series

In this 2-part series we look at systems and systemic practice. We look at the way trauma hits the system, the impact on the team as a whole and how to move towards post traumatic growth.


safety series

In this 2-part series, we explore the science of safety and connection. We look at what happens in our nervous system when we feel unsafe and why this is important.


additional options

nest have a range of stand-alone options that can be added to your training selections. Get in touch to discuss your training needs.


bespoke options

Here at nest, we're all about relationships so we love to write bespoke training, workshops, team development and connection days or programmes to support you and your relationships.


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Camilla, Service Manager, Independent Fostering Agency (therapeutic services)

"Rachel is a highly valued member of our team. Nest has provided a responsive and therapeutic layer of support to our foster carer support package. This has enriched our service, our practice and has helped our foster carers and staff to develop a shared approach and language.”

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